The Arabian Horse Association of Michigan (AHAM) is a statewide organization dedicated to encouraging good relations among our members and to aiding and encouraging the breeding, exhibiting, use and perpetuation of the Arabian Horse.
We offer our members Class A shows, seminars, monthly board meetings and an annual meeting in December of each year. We strive to keep the membership informed of the latest news and information regarding the Association.
Please follow the Arabian Horse Association of Michigan page on Facebook and Instagram. Information regarding the Association is frequently posted to these social media sites.
President: Michelle Kimbro
Vice President: Julie Shick
Treasurer: Ron Gekiere
Secretary: Susie Hall
Terri Delbridge Gabby Dingel
Betty Horst Kim Jones
Sarah Post Makenna Rooker Sue Tuck Amy Yaroch
Tom Connolly Ann Knoop
The Arabian Horse Association of Michigan (AHAM) encourages all, young and old, to affiliate your AHA membership with our club. Just one of the perks of becoming an AHAM member AHAM includes reduced rates at our clinics. Click on the link at right to be taken to the AHA website, renew your annual membership and affiliate your membership with the Arabian Horse Association of Michigan.
By-laws for the Arabian Horse Association of Michigan Website.